yoni massage

Sex is a powerful source of energy.

Vaginal massage Tantra Massage for Women | G-Spot and Vagina • Sexual suggestions and physical activities during vaginal massage (Die Kunst der sexuxellen Ecstasy by Marco Anand) Vaginal massage gathers a lot of energy and can transform consciousness and expand the mind. is used for We work with the theory of sexual energy and the inner flute that plays within us. Endocrine tracts are not accepted as a physical reality but they follow physical and neural pathways in the body that connect the endocrine glands. Pineal Gland – Regulates vitality and energy flow in the body. When the inner tube is opened there is a sense of regeneration of awareness and an increase in sexual energy. A woman can look at her inner flute and see how all her sexual energy flows through this channel. When you open the inner tube there is a new sense of awareness and increased sexual energy. A woman can look at her inner flute and see how all her sexual energy flows through this channel. In fact women can learn to play the flute through the seven finger holes that are connected to the seven chakras or energy centers of the body. Chakras are made up of energy fields. From the endocrine glands of the body


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